Hogwarts Part Twelve | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Hogwarts Part Twelve.

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  • @HogwartsLove OMG YOU ACTUALLY SAW THIS QUIZ! Aww, your comment has me grinning from ear to ear =) I'm sure anyone else would of done the same thing

  • Holy. Crap.

    How do you get any freaking sweeter? Pardon my minor language, but honestly! You're seriously the best person ever. That just made my WEEK! You don't know how wide my eyes were when I read this. Probably the best thing - scratch that, IS - I've ever seen. You're such a loyal friend and sweet supporter that I don't even know what to SAY! Let me ATTEMPT to put this into words:


    No pe, nothing good enough comes to mind. This is just too nice. Too kind. Amazing. And everything you wrote - oh my gosh, thank you so much. It's so strange and new to think there might actually be people who enjoy my series, LOL.


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