Hogwarts house sorting quiz

If you like Harry Potter then you should take this quiz to find out what Hogwarts house you are in. Please take this quiz so that I will gain motivation to make more.

If you take this quiz you will find out what house your in.Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff for the kind, Ravenclaw for the wise, and last but not least Slytherin for the cunning

Created by: Joe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite animal out of these?
  2. What is your favorite color out of this?
  3. You are going on a path. You are at an intersection. Which path do you take?
  4. There is an ogre in the girl’s bathroom at Hogwarts. What do you do?
  5. What color do like best out of these?
  6. What color do like best out of these?
  7. Where is your common room located?
  8. What character do you like best?
  9. Are you a parslemouth or not?
  10. What house do you want to be in?

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