Hogwarts house quiz

Are YOU a Harry Potter TRUE fan?!?!? If you are, then this is the quiz for you. you will be asked 12 questions and you will give an answer. try your very best!

The houses are Griffandor, Ravenclaw, Huffelpuff, and Slitheryn. you will be sorted into your house according to your answers. go to hogwarts is here website to learn more about magic!!

Created by: mia rackley
  1. you find a wallet that belongs to your friend you...
  2. your sister deletes your favorite app... you
  3. you fail a test at school you..
  4. you have to write a 20 page report you
  5. you have to clean your room you...
  6. you have to do your home work you...
  7. you want to go to the beach you...
  8. you run into your crush at school you...
  9. you got detention for not turning in your project you...
  10. what are doing when you are done with the quiz

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