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We all have read and loved the Harry Potter series, and on this very day, the supermegaawesomefoxyhot Harry Potter was born! Show your appreciation for this beloved character and celebrate his birthday!

We all have read and loved the Harry Potter series, and on this very day, the supermegaawesomefoxyhot Harry Potter was born! Show your appreciation for this beloved character and celebrate his birthday!!!

Created by: Bookworm123
  1. As many of you potterheads know, on July 31, 1980 our favorite wizard was born.
  2. Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy Who Lived, no matter how you put it he's still the same dude.
  3. Today we wish you a very happy birthday Harry! To start, I would like to talk about how you have changed everyone's life forever.
  4. I remember when I was little I was raised in a Christian home. My parents (mainly my pastor dad) thought HP was satanic, but he didn't tell me that. He just said it was too scary for me (since the first movie came out when I was little). Eventually I got up the courage to watch it (since it was conveniently playing on tv) and my life was changed forever. I had finally found a home, friends, and a fandom that would except me for who and what I was.
  5. Best day of my life? The day I went to see the midnight premier of HP7 pt 2, my first ever theater experience of Harry Potter. And let me tell you, my theater was perfect. Everyone showed the right emotion at the right time and shut up for the rest of the movie! But my story was one of the wimpier ones. I know people who were suicidal until they met HP, depressed, alone... So lets give a special thanks to the Boy Who Lived!!!
  6. So on that happy note, let's sing Happy Birthday!
  7. Repeat after me- ~Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!~
  8. ~Happy birthday dear Harry! Happy birthday to you!~
  9. Hip hip hooray!
  10. That's it! Tell everyone your HP story in the comments!

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