Guess which food I am!Quiz.

Can YOU guess my identity?You will have to try very hard to because I'm gonna play hard to guess!Take my quizz so that I can be identified as my true food name.BUT...I bet you cant guess who I am.Well,you can try but you probably won't succeed.I'm just kidding,GOOD LUCK!

So,are you ready?Well than step right into my chair here and let me throw you out some riddles and questions.You better hope you guess my identity,or you'll look stupid!Lol,I'm just playin'!Good luck STRANGER!

Created by: Kyra
  1. I am a noodle,but what kind?
  2. Telling by the type of noodle you picked,which sauce is usually used with me?
  3. People usually eat me with...
  4. From the answers you've chosen, I'm...
  5. Tell me,which would you prefer dining on?
  6. Do you like the taste of tomatoe sauce?
  7. Hmmmm,do you like the taste of cheese?
  8. I can be served ONLY...
  9. What do you think I am?
  10. Hmmmmm,I'll give you one hint....I'm not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  11. My identity will be revealed in the next page.I hope you enjoyed my quiz.

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