What does your name mean? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What does your name mean?

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  • Loyalty 60%
    Independence 60%
    Joy 60%
    Well that's a clear result.

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  • Loyalty 80%
    Independence 80%
    Joy 40%

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life, and you got it. Whether living up to a promise or trying to help someone not live it down, your truthful heart is always happy.

    I never got the definition of Independence based off this test, I couldnt find a possible button to see other results.

    • Your Result: Independence

      You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you

  • What does your name mean?
    Your Result: Loyalty 86%

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life, and you got it. Whether living up to a promise or trying to help someone not live it down, your truthful heart is always happy.

    I did not know my name meant loyalty I actually like this quiz, thank you


    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life and you got it. Wether living up to a promise or tring to help someone not live it down, your turthful hart is always happy.

    This quiz was great! To the rude people below me, I bet you guys are the ones who write stupid "random" quizzes that don't mean anything. I like this quiz :)

  • Your Result: Loyalty 86%

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life, and you got it. Whether living up to a promise or trying to help someone not live it down, your truthful heart is always happy.

    52% Independence
    34% Joy

  • Mine says independence I like to do things the way I do them and not have to worry about responsibility with Children or Husband what he gets up to behind closed doors, All I depend on is Me and the House and the Dogs and obviously try to get a stay at home job Least I won't get Heart Broken.

    Dotty Who

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life and you got it. Wether living up to a promise or tring to help someone not live it down, your turthful hart is always happy.

    My name (Morgan) really means 'The Sea's Edge' in Welsh.

  • Your Result: LOYALTY

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life and you got it. Wether living up to a promise or tring to help someone not live it down, your turthful hart is always happy.


  • My Result: LOYALTY

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life and you got it. Wether living up to a promise or tring to help someone not live it down, your turthful hart is always happy.

    T-R-U-E whats that spell TRUE

  • I love my answer

    You truly do care for others. You put the C in caring and the L in love. As for everybody else, you also put the T in teamwork. You put others and Jesus/God before yourself. And with that attitude, you will be able to live a long peaceful life.

  • Joy 80%

    You truly do care for others. You put the C in caring and the L in love. As for everybody else, you also put the T in teamwork. You put others and Jesus/God before yourself. And with that attitude, you will be able to live a long peaceful life.

    60% Independence
    60% Loyalty

  • Your Result: Independence 81%

    You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you.

    27% Loyalty
    27% Joy
    To be honest, I didn't expect this result.

  • What does your name mean?
    Your Result: Independence 86%

    You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you.

    I'm definetely not having kids or getting married when I'm older.

  • You truly do care for others. You put the C in caring and the L in love. As for everybody else, you also put the T in teamwork. You put others and Jesus/God before yourself. And with that attitude, you will be able to live a long peaceful life.

    I got JOY I love It

  • Independence! Yup, so true! And stop being mean, people. Don't be a jerk, really. Just cuz you got the result you didn't want doesn't mean anything. Great job on this quiz! Don't listen to the haters!

    • This is what I got

      - You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life, and you got it. Whether living up to a promise or trying to help someone not live it down, your truthful heart is always happy.

      It's true! I loved this quiz, fun and accurate!

  • Your Result: LOYALTY

    You have mostly loyalty in your life. Others trust you because you always tell the truth. Loyalty is one of the best things in life and you got it. Wether living up to a promise or tring to help someone not live it down, your turthful hart is always happy.

    o yea right...how old r u dylanluv???

  • Your Result: JOY

    Jesus, Others, then comes YOU. You truly do care for others. You put the C in caring and the L in love. As for every body says you put the T in teamwork. You put others and Jesus before your self. And with that additude(it's attitude), you will be able to live a long peaceful life.

    .... What?

  • Um. Yeah. Hun. You really need to pay more attention in your English classes. We do not expect you to be perfect. But good grief!

    And I agree. It is much more of a personality quiz than anything to do with one's name.

  • What does your name mean?
    Your Result: Independence 86%

    You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you.

    52% Loyalty
    34% Joy
    eh- no, not me at all .,.

  • Result= Independence

    Mmm!! This was actually true...well my name means something else, butyou described my personality amazingly!!! :O Don't let the rude remarks get to ya!! ^^ It's just people dissasitfied by their results!! It was great!!

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  • If you're meaning loyalty is the same as enlightened, i kinda have no clue what you're talkin' bout. My name is Aaron (which means enlightened), but I call myself A, and my friends and relatives call me A-ron.

  • Your Result: Independence 77%

    You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you

  • Loyalty,I am loyal to those I care for and trust in but I find myself way more of a independent type of person cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • Independence 77%

    You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you.

  • Your Result: Independence

    You like to do things your own way, and you do not let that down. A strong and noble person who never let their fears get in the way. You like doing things by yourself the way you like. Your life is all open to you.

    That is very true UwU


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