Most embarrassing moment!!! | Comments

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  • Sorry about my previous comment, I pressed submit by accident before I'd written anything! :-)

    I had an embarrassing moment not long ago, when my friend and I were at school, going to one of the P.E. changing rooms. We followed some of our other friends their, even though they were in a different P.E. group. We realised when we were half changed that we were in the wrong place! Neither of us knew where our group were, so we got changed as quickly as we could, then left the changing room.

    We decided to run to the field on the other side of the school, were we knew that groups who had already done our current sport (football) sometimes practised. We had also done football there last year. Unfortunately, they weren't there! So we ran all the way back, and guess who we found?

    Our P.E. group!

    Our teacher guessed that we'd gone to the wrong place, but then, I slipped over in front of everyone, and a lot of the group started laughing! Which made going to the wrong place even worse! :-)

  • I had my most embarrassing moment today! I really, and I mean REALLY had to pee. I was in class. I raised my hand, the teacher said, "Faith?" "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. "In espaniol!" She smiled, because we were in Spanish class. But I didn't know what the answer was! "Bao?" I asked. "Use a full sentence!" The teacher said. I spurted. "I don't know!" I burst out. "Than you cannot go!" The teacher smiled one of those teacher smiles. I spurted some more. Now I had a pinpoint wet spot! "porvavor!?" I asked. I spurted enough to make a small wet spot. The entire class started laughing. I got up and potty danced. The teacher was writing on the board.I looked desperately to the teacher, whose back was turned to the board. She turned around and gasped. "Faith! Why are you doing that?" I had a medium sized wet patch now!!! "you can go!" The teacher said. But I emptied my bladder right there in class. I ran to the bathroom, crying.

  • Well I was in 5th Grade... I was having a conference with my teacher (he was a guy) and we were talking about my grades. Then all of a sudden my mom changes the subject to "How Boyfriends May Ruin My Education". And it got awkward..and then he asked me " do you want a boyfriend?" Of course I knew he would give me a lecture if I said yes,so I answered no. And my sister couldn't hold it anymore and said "what about that /guy name/ guy you liked?!" And he laughed and blah blah blah.. And then we started to leave... And then my crush is the next guy to get a conference.. As I looked back,I saw my teacher's face- he was holding in laughter as he talked to my crush

  • Omg I feel so bad for you! My most embarrassing moment was when I was in 5th grade and I had just changed out of my gym clothes and back into my school uniform, but when I walked into my classroom this stupid boy shouted, eww button your shirt! And the whole class saw my shirt which was totally un buttoned and i wasn't even wearing anything under my shirt that day and to make things even worse, I'm a girl! Finish the puzzle!

    Miss carrot
  • Haha thx I feel bad for you too, trust me i have had millions of embarrassing moments like one time in kindergarten I had to go to the bathroom really bad but we were in the middle of a test and I was to scared to ask so I I had diarriea in front of the whole class and I look back on that day and it makes me a little sick to my stomach! Embarrassing and disgusting but luckily it was just kindergarten, if it was middle school that would be another story

    Miss carrot
  • I was at college about a week ago, and I was wearing my WHITE school uniform. I was in English class when I got a sudden urge to pee. So I raised my hand and said, "Proffesor Smith, may I please use the toilets?" (Behind his back, I call him Proffesor Snape, you'll see why in a second) "You can wait until after the lesson!" He said rather coldly. (I live in Great Britain), I wanted to DIE as pee started to drip, drop, drip, drop. "Have all of you completed your assignment to read Lord of the Rings last week?" Snape (!) continued. I was squirming like mad. I felt the pain grow, along with the little wet spot on my jeans. I turned to my best friend, Elaine. She looked at me with sympathy and mouthed, "just ten minutes left of class, try to hold on, Hermione" (yes, my name is Hermione--my mum is a Harry Potter freak and named me Hermione), suddenly, Elaine whispered, "knock knock" "who's there?" I smiled. "Interrupting cow" I smiled "interrupting cow wh--" "MOO!!!!!!" I laughed, and once I started, I couldn't stop! I laughed so hard! But all of a sudden I began to feel really good, warm, and--wet. I looked down, I had an huge wet patch on the front of my skirt! I gasped! I tried to stop the flow! Elaine looked at me with wide eyes. The pee felt so good. Then, it started to run down my legs. It splattered onto the floor. My skirt was SOAKED! I peed for four whole minutes! Then the bell rang. I stood up, revealing the wet, yellow stain on my skirt. And the enormous puddle on the floor. Everyone laughed. I had to go to my room to change my clothes, and since I'm a freshman, all the seniors said things like, "did the little baby have an accident?" I was so embarrassed!!!

    Hermione Harper
  • The other day me and my crush were talking and he said some thing really perverted and i started laughing so hard i litterly fell of my seat and he helped me up and i just fell over laughing again.

    Also during a softball game i kida fangirl screamed after some one lied about getting Black Veil Bride tikets for the hole team. You have never seen so many girls laughing so hard at once.

  • An embarrassing moment that I had was in 1st grade (year 7) and we were changing for P.E.. There were these double doors in the changing room that led to the gym, and on the other side of the gym were two more double doors that led to the boy's changing room. Our doors were slightly open, and these two boys had opened their doors! They were pushing each other and laughing, and I was just stood there! My friend had to literally pull me out of the way! I actually had a crush on one of those boys too!

  • So not many embarrassing things happen to me so this is my worst so in 5th grade I was walking in a line and the popular girls were behind me I was wearing a skirt that day and I feel something in my underware I reach for it and I realize it is my skirt I quickly pull my skirt back to normal and I realized that I had just shown my underware to the girls behind me for who knows how long and to add to my embarrassment I here them giggle when I finally figure it out I was pretty embarrassed.

  • My most embarrasing moment so far was today (April 24, 2013) in seventh grade, in music class (Day of a guitar test) 3 of my friends thought it would be fun to make fun of me and my best guy friend (who I like too o.O). So they start strumming away on the guitar and singing about why me and this guy should be together and we are both blushing. His best friend told him he looked like a red light on a christmas tree! I felt so bad for him and for the rest of the day he was soo embarrassed that he wouldnt look or talk to me. In the class after music he had to get his friend to ask me if he could borrow a pencil or pen from me! He wouldnt even ask a simple question. My friends know I like him and they did it on purpose. Then on top of it all, they asked him if he liked me and he just blushed a ton, flipped his hair and shrugged... Meanwhile his best friend tells me my crush likes me alot. So, I dont know if I lost my best guyfriend or what, but I am so embarrassed and I feel horrible! Any advice?

  • My most embarrassing moment was when I lost a bet and was forced to do a quiz on which humiliating punishment I deserved. I did it and my result was I had to pour yogurt down my underwear and give myself a huge wedgie. But thats not it! After that I had to give myself a swirly while still in the messy wedgie. It was so Embarrassing!!

  • I like your friend, ABC! I wish I could be like her! Also, when you mentioned Megan, I thought of DaughterofApollo, so are you her? *suspicous glare*

    Man! I feel bad for you, Miss Carrot!

    Mine is when I was in 3rd grade. I really had to use the bathroom and the stupid music teacher ignored my hand, so I had an accident! Actually, I wasn't that embarrassed now that you think about it. I got to get out of music and my class didn't care. I don't try to get attention or anything, so I guess that's why I don't have a good embarrassing moment.

  • Another one of my most embarrassing moments was when we were lining up for an I.C.T. class. I was talking to one of my guy "friends" and one of my other friends happened to hate him. She got mad at him, and pulled him backwards by pulling his bag. I then got mad at her, and pushed her backwards! She fell over one of my other friends, then bashed into another of my friends, who was carrying a heavy saxophone case! She swung round, at hit the girl I got mad at with the case by accident! Then she started crying because it hurt so much! All because of me!

    My guy friend then started laughing, and telling his friends what happened! I tried to blame it on her, but I still felt slightly guilty though...

  • Yea so my friend dared me to take a nude selfie of myself in the boys school bathroom. Kinda intense. So i do it when i expect nobody to be there, after school, like 5:00pm. I did it in the swimming pool locked bathroom, cuz thats the most unlikely place ever. to get in there you need a boys school id card. So i ask for my boyfriends. he didnt ask questions. So i take off all my clothes and put it in the locker. And i grab my phone, go up to the mirror and take a picture. So while i was inspecting the picture, i hear voices coming from the enternce of the swimming pool, so i knew someone was coming. In panic, i get out of the locker as fast as i can, leaving all my stuff behind. But the door closes, and i realise im stuck naked with no way to get in. Yea so i was screwed. I had to sneak up to my school locker to get an umbrella to hide my body as i snuck home, and my boyfriend soon got an email from the lost and found saying he has to come get his school card. Ahh embarassing.

  • My friend dropped her pencil under my crushes chair when he was sitting, she did it on propose and I'm like really under him and she alike ya and then when I reached down to get it he backed up his chair and it hit me in the nose

  • My embarissing moment was in school .In our school there no signs of washroom . So i new and I accidentally went to girls washroom . My pants were loose that day . So i do my buisness and come out of cubicle and see girl standing . My pants fell off I remember I didn’t wear underwear . She saw me naked and screamed and i ran out of washroom after picking up my pants . She was also my CRUSH. I was so embarrassed.

  • well jacoub was teasing me about loving alastair and i shouted then miss smith turned her head and said LILY STOP SHOUTING!!!!! i told her i was shouting because jacoub was teasing me about loving Alastair than everyone stared talking and laughing at me and him!!!!! some people were singing LILY AND ALASTAIR SITTING IN A TREE!! i looked over at alastair he was blushing really RED AND WAS TOTALLY SMILLING AND TOTTALY EMBARRESD!!!!! I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT DAY!!!!!

  • My most embarrassing moment was really, really embarrassing! (duh xD)

    I told my best friend i had a crush on some guy in my class, and she was like "OMG HIM, REALLY?" I falmpalmed, went all red and said "Yes" She laughed... We where in Math class, and she went over to him an said "Heeeeyyy Marko" and did the troll face. I kept saying to my other friend "OMG OMG OMG DON'T TELL HIM!"

    Then at break, these people where like "Who's your crush" and i said "I wont tell!" This other girl came over who tells everyone EVERYTHING, started talking to me. Then the boy who asked me the question said "OMG IT'S MARK ISEN'T IT?" i was like "OMG NONONONONONONONO" The girl troll faced, went over to my crush and TOLD HIM I LIKED HIM, AND TRIED TO ASK HIM OUT FOR ME! I was pretending he wasen't, but my face went all red. Afterwards people kept mocking me... so embarrassing... LOL.

  • one time i was in gym class and I was talking to my friend in the change room I didn.t even notice i walked out of the changeroom without any pants! it was sooooooo embarissing

  • uh i was going to wright an embarrassing moment but mine arnt that bad... sorry XP

  • i embarassed my crush infront of everyone in my class!!!!!

  • uhh.. once i sneez-farted in class... lol the most embarissing thing i've done.. though only 3 ppl knew bout it


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