Grey's Anatomy Addict

A Grey's Anatomy Addict knows everything about Grey's Anatomy. Spoilers to Actors names to songs they play! A True Grey's Anatomy Addict can tell you everything about this show! I'm a Grey's Anatomy Addict! You can find out if you are too!

Are you a McGenious?? Are you a Grey's Anatomy Addict?? Thanks to me you can find out! Just take this quiz to see how much you REALLY like Grey's Anatomy (the best show ever)! So get off your McButt and take this quiz! SERIOUSLY!! :)

Created by: Ella
  1. Who proposes to izzie in season 3?
  2. When Meredith was having a bad day (in season 1) what was George's idea of making her feel better? (that would get them in trouble if anyone found out.)
  3. When was the first time Burke says " i love you" to cristina?
  4. The theme song to Greys anatomy "cozy in the rocket" is from what band?
  5. Why does Cristina faint in the first season?
  6. Why didn't George get back with Olivia?
  7. Who's name would make Kelly (the girl with a blushing disorder) blush?
  8. Put these McPeople in order from when Meredith met them!
  9. Why Does Addison Shepherd have Merediths dog?
  10. When Bailey had her baby what is it's name?

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