Goodbye...part 11

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Please comment! I love Hearing what you have to say. Feel free to give me ideas. I could love some for the next part!! I hope ou have a great day or night! Whatever the time is where you are! Thank you for taking this!!

Created by: singin234
  1. Dreak didn't seem surprised, "So it's true," He said. I don't know if he was talking to himself or me. "You really did figure it out" He told me hugging me. I remember what happened, it's a little hazy but I know to basic reasons. I am Rosella Bellson, the youngest child of the powerful girl. So they called her. My mother was powerful and she had to defeat The Shadow's. She did with her four best friends and married on of them. But then after she had her kids, she got taken. The guy who got married to her went to look for her and now both are missing. With her kids, the twins stayed together and went to a human family. While the older brother went and trained with non-humans. So he could look after the good twin. It's hard to get but that's only a little of what a know. There is so much more I don't know. "It's hard to get" I told Dreak still hugging him. Dreak nodded "Yes. With her four friends, that were all guys. They live forever, but when she married our father he became to live until she dies. Then two of them were Murdered when they were fighting the shadows. So-" "That leaves one" I said cutting Dreak off. I looked up into Dreak's eyes. Something seemed to be wrong, I can feel it. Brad and Chris, how do they come into my story? "I think I'll get some rest" I said pulling away from Deak. He nodded and kissed my forehead "okay" he whispered and left. I touched the bed and images came into my mind. ~A blond haired girl, my age sat on the bed. Her eyes were grey and blue. "This is so...werid. They say I am not human. You have to be kidding" She said lying back on the bed. A soft knock is at the door. "Come in" She sighed, a boy with brown hair and green eyes opened the door. "Chase," The girl said siting up. "Whats wrong" she asked surprised. She seemed to be worried. Chase smiled "Nothing I just know what's going to happen. I won't tell the others though" Chase told her coming closer. "What..." The girl asked. "You end up with ____, my son might end up your daughter" Chase whispered and walked out~ I opened my eyes and gasped for air. My dads name is ____ and my mother was that girl. "Dreak" I mumble and close my eyes. This is my mothers old room. We must be alike.
  2. I just lied awake with my eyes closed. I rolled onto my side. Why me? Why did something out there pick me? I am glad but also scared of losing my friends. Then a loud noise made me jump, my cell phone. I pick it up to see the caller was Violet. "Hey" I said tired and worn out. It's true, even thinking about me not being human make my head hurt. "Rose, where are you" Violet said in panic. She sounded really worried. "At Chris's. Why aren't you at school" I asked. I could hear People talking and gasping in the background. Did she put me on speaker. "Your at Chris. The Chris, a guy, mysterious, hot and not to be trusted. Oh I put you on speaker. Kecela, Kiarra, Brad and Aira. We are at Brad's house. It's huge" Violet told me. I felt left out. Why would I feel that way, I am with Chris and Dreak. "Yeah" I told her, this wasn't going to go down well."Wow I guess you don't do anything for yourself," Aria told me. What did I do to this girl? "Chris was mine," She snapped. Oh I stole her guy, this isn't fair. How was I surpossed to know? "He was pretty into me. You know, flirting all the time. Well I was," She paused after she said it. It was like she was showing off. "Then you came. When he saw you, I could see fear but also love in his eyes. Trust me, I know what I am talking about-" "Yeah right. You don't know alright. I just got knocked out somehow and I woke at Chris's. Him and Brad helped me or something. I don't know what's going on. So get a life Aria" I snapped and hangged up. I could her a chuckle at the door. I look up to see Chris, was the over the pancake thing? "I am sorry about before," Chris told me. Then he frowned. This guy hardly smiles!! "Forgive me" He Asked. I nodded "Yeah" I told him trying to act like everything is okay. "I had a vision," I told him "of my mother" Chris looked surprised. "oh" He asked softly. I felt butterflies in my tummy. I always get nervous. "She was talking to Chase. He told her who she will get married to and also said I would meet his son" I told Chris. He just sat down beside on the bed. "Chase's son is named Jev. He is coming to see us tommorrow. Well you. Dreak and I are going somewhere" Chris told me. Somewhere? They need someone to look after me? I am almost 18! I think I can take care of myself! "What, you need someone to look after me" I asked offended. I have been taking care of myself since...forever. "Rosella. Someone wants you. To get you, to kill or love. Like your mother. Your shadows have got her, they want you. So for now we need someone to stay with you until your stronger" Chris told me. I laughed, yeah that's not happening. I am weak, a dreamer, eats badly but somehow skinny and nevers gets sick. "Okay, later" I said and walked out. "Good luck" I mumbled as well. I am going to die but what did he mean by love or kill?
  3. I sighed, I can't believe what's happened. I can't get over this, I wonder if Jev is hot. I shake my head, what am I thinking? I walk outside to feel the cold air touch my skin. I looked down and stared blushing. I am still in my PJs. They are not that bad, black pants and a grey top. Its raining, of course. What's with all this rain? It might flood, maybe. I sighed and looked up at the sky that is full of lighting. I not scared of storms, in fact I love them. I can't believe girls get so scared over them. I watch as the lighting strikes. "Are you insane" Dreak asks coming out. "Maybe..." I told him trailing off dreamly. A massive clap of thunder makes me jump. "Inside Rosella" Dreak told me. I sighed and walked past him, "What is there to do" I asked. Around Dreak I felt like I can be myself. "Clean" He suggested. I shook my head "nah. Everything seems boring. Oh do you have board games" I asked. I felt like playing board games. I really forget I am almost 18.
  4. Dreak laughed "Yeah. So want to play chess" He asked. I nodded and Dreak walked off somewhere. I not really good at chess but anyway. Dreak come back in "I am black" I called out to him. He lopled surprised but then smiled. I picked up the black horse and images poped into my Mind. ~The same girl from before sits in the same chair as I. "Can I have white" She askeds. Chase noddeds and gives her te whites. "Where do they go" Dhe asked hopelessly. Chase put them in the right order. "Thanks" She said cheerfully. Then the glass on the table bust into millions of bit. She looked at Chase, "That wasn't me" He said the the window smashed~ I flund open my eyes. "Whats wrong" Dreak asked. He moved close to me. "Nothing. Just anothe vision" I told him packing up the chess. I didn't feel like playing anymore. "You had one before" Dreak asked, I nodded. It's not the big of deal. "Well I am going to bed" told him and went up to my room
  5. To my surprise Chris was still there. "Oh I'll go" He said and stood up. I stopped him from moving. "I want to know about those rings" I told him. Chris sighed and sat down on the bed. "It was when you were 17. That summer you went to summer camp-" "I don't remember that" I told him cutting in. Intact I didn't remember alot of things. "Well you were attacked by the shadows. I was there with you so I saved you. So we erased everything that happened from your mind. Then you had to move closer to me because the shadows found your old school" Chris told me. Everythig stared to ring a bell but something is missing. "The rings" I asked him. The rings that say Rosella and Chris!! It was way before I was 17! "Well...
  6. "It was when you were three. I kind of live forever, you know. Well we made matching rings so you would not forget me when I am gone. Thats it" Chris told me walking about. No, I had to be more than that. What isn't he telling me? Wait...something doesn't add up. When was my mum taken, I hardly remember her. Unless I was born before now and they turned me back into a kid for my safey? What's going on? "I can tell you" A voice told me. Then a turned to see...
  7. That's the end of part 11!
  8. So the new guys name is Jev but what does he look like. Is he the guy at the door or is someone evil at the door? ~thank you for comments~
  9. Sorry if you didn't like this part much!
  10. Please comment! I love Hearing what you have to say. Feel free to give me ideas. I could love some for the next part!! I hope ou have a great day or night! Whatever the time is where you are! Thank you for taking this!!

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