Girly girl or Tom boy??

Have you wondered if you are a Tom boy or girly girl? Do you think you are a mix? Or neither? Take this quiz to find out what you would do in scenarios like these!

Take this quiz to find out what you fall under as! A girly girl? A Tom boy? Would you choose fashion over sports? Shopping over exercising? Take this quiz to see what you are!

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at the mall with a friend. You only have time to go to one more store. There is a dress store on your left and an athletic store on your right! Which would you rather go to?
  2. Your family wants to go out to dinner. Your choices are: a formal restaurant, a pizza place, a fast food place, a casual restaurant
  3. Today is a school day. You wake up late. You...
  4. Your boyfriend wants to have a date night. He asks you where you want to go/what you want to do. You say....
  5. You get asked to your school dance. You....
  6. You have free time. You....
  7. It's the first day of summer!! You've been waiting all year! You...
  8. Your favorite shoes are...
  9. Your daily make up consists of.....
  10. Your favorite color is....

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