Geometry dash quiz

This is a simple quiz about our favorite game, Geometry dash! I hope u do well on the test, know a good bit about the game, and get them all correct! Good luck.

This quiz goes to my friends Tj, who I play GD with, Jackson, who doesn't really care, Evan, who I love to play GD with on a good day, and Daniel, who introduced me to gd

Created by: Arthirius
  1. What update did rob top release the "demon" difficulty?
  2. What was the first demon?
  3. What is the currently existing oldest level id in the game?
  4. What day did GD Release?
  5. What is the current hardest demon on the demon list as of April 2023?
  6. When did the top player "SpaceUK" get exposed for hacking?
  7. What is the longest standing update wait?
  8. From the last question, what update took the longest?
  9. What is the most popular demon? Hint:It's an easy demon.
  10. Final question, so it's very easy. What is the most popular level in Geometry dash?

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