Genius or Corbett

There are many geniuses but also many Corbett's, so you have to determine whether or not you're a Corbett or not. Good luck and hopefully you're not a Corbett !

Are you a genius ? Or are you a corbett? Think you have the brainpower off a smart person or the brainpower off a dad fat Corbett? Well good luck and hopefully you're smart

Created by: Ivann
  1. Where will you go in a zombie outbreak?
  2. There's 1 walker what weapon will you chose?
  3. You see a bbc asking for help what do you do?
  4. There going to nuke NYC whats now?
  5. You want to heat healthy for your diet what do you eat?
  6. You're in man vs wild and there's 8 bbcs with knives surrounding you what happens next ?
  7. There's kid, Matthew, check, and NG in one room each have a sniper what happens next?
  8. You jack off to hard that you accidentally paralyze yourself what do you do !?
  9. What is 200+200
  10. Chief keef wants to fight you what do you do??

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