General Smart Quiz

...rfect console for your gaming needs. Play the latest shooter games, plus all Xbox One and backward compatible games. Because you play a lot of games, the included 1TB of storage is a good starting point. When you’re ready for more, adding an external drive for your games is quick and easy. And with a built-in 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray™ player and support for 4K video streaming, your entertainment will never be the same. EXPLO... X is the perfect console for your gaming needs. Immerse yourself in shooter games with true 4K gaming. Because you play a few games, the included 1TB of storage is a good starting point. When you’re ready for more, adding an external drive for your games is quick and easy. And explore bigger game worlds in life-like detail through cutting edge graphics and sound. Experie...

Created by: cool of Cool
(your link here more info)
  1. U.S.S.R. and the...
  2. What do you get when you cross a Nazi and a Cockroach?
  3. Do I owe you money?
  4. If it were 2793 and a war was on the earth would I bring a Kar98?
  5. You would hit a tank in the...
  6. What CAN'T an HDMI cable carry?
  7. what year be this
  8. What is stronger?
  9. Halo CEA Release Year(CE was in 2001)
  10. _______ is more accurate in _________
  11. Gordon M Sumner=
  12. U done here?

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