General Knowledge

There are smart people, daft people and there are the true brainboxes! What is a genius? A genius is a clever person, who can solve complex problems and see the world through an entirely novel point of view.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have what it takes to beat this quiz? Can you prove you are the smartest and thanks to this cool quiz, it will take just a few minutes to find out!

Created by: Little Chikadee
  1. In what year did Coronation Street first air?
  2. What blue Mr Men character is covered in bandages?
  3. Who played Rachel Greene in the TV series Friends?
  4. What date comes 22 days after June 19th?
  5. How long did Queen Victoria reign for?
  6. What country has not fought in a war since 1815?
  7. What year was the skateboard invented?
  8. What colour is a giraffe's tongue?
  9. What is the name of the Roman God of the sea?
  10. What is Kelp?
  11. Which country did Russia invade in 1956?

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