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It is a quiz useful for the students who are preparing for gate exam. this quiz includes different questions which are appeared in last 10 years papers.

Are you Preparing for GATE-2011 Exam , Are you Thinking it is easy to get good marks in GATE , then here is a sample gate exam test. Try it and estimate your self.

Created by: saikrishna
  1. The pressure coil of a dynamometer type wattmeter is
  2. The measurement system shown in the figure uses three sub-systems in cascade whose gains are specified as 1 2 3 1 G , G and G . The relative small errors associated with each respective subsystem 1 G , G2 and G3 are e1, e2 and e3 . The error associated with the output is:Input 1 G 2 G 3 1 G Output
  3. The following circuit has a source voltage Vs as shown in the graph. The current through the circuit is also shown.
  4. The two inputs of a CRO are fed with two stationary periodic signals. In the X-Y mode, the screen shows a figure which changes from ellipse to circle and back to ellipse with its major axis changing orientation slowly and repeatedly. The following inference can be made from this
  5. The increasing order of speed of data access for the following devices is (i) Cache Memory (ii) CDROM (iii) Dynamic RAM (iv) Processor Registers (v) Magnetic Tape
  6. A field excitation of 20 A in a certain alternator results in an armature current of 400A in short circuit and a terminal voltage of 2000V on open circuit. The magnitude of the internal voltage drop within the machine at a load current of 200A is
  7. The current through the 2 kW resistance in the circuit shown isA B 6V 1kW 1kW 1kW 1kW 2kW C D
  8. Out of the following plant categories (i) Nuclear (ii) Run-of-river (iii) Pump Storage (iv) Diesel The base load power plants are
  9. For a fixed value of complex power flow in a transmission line having a sending end voltage V, the real power loss will be proportional to
  10. How many 200W/220V incandescent lamps connected in series would consume the same total power as a single 100W/220V incandescent lamp?
  11. A Linear Time Invariant system with an impulse response h(t) produces output y(t) when input x(t) is applied. When the input x (t − t) is applied to a system with impulse response h(t − t) , the output will be
  12. The nature of feedback in the opamp circuit shown is
  13. The complete set of only those Logic Gates designated as Universal Gates is
  14. An SCR is considered to be a semi-controlled device because

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