Fun Sea Lion Quiz

If you're doing this because of the web page then you've probably read it? How much did you actually learn. Are you completely brain dead or did you pay attention to that science lesson about sea lions you had forever ago?

Take this quiz. I promise you a fun few minutes - honest!!!!! It's interesting but definitely not boring. If you don't know - guess! I'm sure you'll do great!

Created by: Me...
  1. What is the posh name for Sea Lions - no cheating, if you don't know guess!
  2. About how much do they way?
  3. What are thoose wierd whiskers called...remember?
  4. This one's EASY! What type of sea lions is the quiz about?
  5. Out of the list below, which thing is one of the Sea Lions main predators? If you don't know, guess!
  6. What is the wierd family name for Sea Lions. Its really hard, don't cheat just guess.
  7. Out of Seals or Sea Lions which prefer to live in large groups.
  8. On average how much do male sea lions weigh. Hint - it's really heavy!
  9. One of the facts below is wrong. Make a guess!
  10. What noise do they make.

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