Fun. (band) quiz

Their are MANY bands out there, but have you ever heard of the band fun? You know this song, right: tonight WE ARE YOUNG! Well you can thank the band Fun for that!

Are you a fun-atic? Test if you are by taking this test! Some people clain they know a "crap ton", but do you really? This test tests several things, not just the music!

Created by: Hi
  1. Who is the lead singer of fun.?
  2. Who is the songwriter?
  3. What is their most recent album?
  4. Where did Nate get his talent?
  5. Who is the main guitarist?
  6. Who is the main pianist?
  7. Does any of the band smoke?
  8. Does any of the band drink?
  9. What was their first album?
  10. Are they married?

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