Friends 4eva or never?

People always come to me for advice, or even ask about there friendships. So I just made a quiz about it! Take the quiz to find out about your friendship, or if your just bored. Click here and see what type of friend you are!

Are you and your friends good freinds, bad friends, or best of friends? Want to find out! Just click here and bam you could take the quickest friendship quiz to find out! Good Luck! PS If you need help email me at shadowbeauty55 at! Okay remember to take the quiz with a friend because its easier!

Created by: Chyna of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you have trouble agreeing with each other?
  2. Do you fight about stupid stuff?
  3. Why did you take this quiz
  4. Is he/she just like you
  5. Do they like to do things with you?
  6. Do you have alot in common?
  7. You guys got anything you share with each other.
  8. Do you say I love you or anything like that?
  9. Do you make little nick names and stuff like that?
  10. When you guys get into a fight do you guys still stand up for eachother and stuff?
  11. How long have you know eachother?
  12. How much do you talk?
  13. Do you laugh with each other if so how offen?
  14. How is your friend?
  15. What can you do infront or around eachother?
  16. Do you give anything and everything to your friend?
  17. Are you a boy/girl and they are what?
  18. End this quiz with a prayer!

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