For Firey_Soul... | Comments

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  • OHHHEEEMMMGEEEE!!!! !!! I heart this quiz!!!! :D If I could marry a quiz, this is would be it. I definately lol'd. You're so random and weird! We should hang out together and plot to destroy the world. Ok... I have a lot of things to reply to, so I better start typing. First of all, the 'that's what she said' thing with the pool was hilarious. xD So, you like playing with squishy balls in the pool, huh? Nice. When I go to the pool with my cousins, we bring our pool noodles, put them in between our legs and have 'sword fights'. My noodle is the biggest. It's fat and light green. Stardust's noodle is skinny and red. Stardust's brother's noodle is skinny and orange... with teeth marks. Apperently their dog chewed it. LOL. Well, I'm going to start a new comment, because this one is getting kind of long. (That's what she said! xD)

  • Firey_Soul, you are forgiven. The assasins are returning me. They are no longer hunting you down. You still haven't guessed what my name means! This is going to sound crazy, but I have never seen smosh... I can't watch it now, because every time I go to play a game or watch videos, my firetrucking computer jacks up! *fustrated* >:( Oh, by the way, I meant it stands for five of my favorite things, not four. Ha! I've got you confuzzled! >;}

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • What do I put in my fanny pack to make it weigh 20 pounds? Oh, not much. Just the essentials. My eyeliner, my laptop, my big-ass jar of peanut butter (I have a problem, ok?!) My sword, my shank, my gun, then there's also my photo of my ubersexxxy hubby Anthony so I don't miss him as much when he has to go film smosh videos. I have a photo of Ian too. (It's okay with Anthony though. He knows Ian is my boyfriend.) Let's see... oh, there's also my pet unicorn, Killer. She's a small unicorn, so she can fit in a fanny pack. :)

  • I love your guess, but sorry. You are wrong. I will give you one hint: even though it has eight letters in it, it stands for only four of my 12 favorite things. That is your one- and possibly only- hint. P.S. I love when people comment on my quizes, and I always scroll through my comments looking for the name Firey_Soul! Oh, and keep guessing!

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • Hey, Allissa! I just got done reading part 17 of Paranormal Love. My name is JESSICA. Why did her name have to be Jessica?! No! Firetruck! Sorry, freak-out moment there... Oh well, I like Chris anyway. But, why Jessica?! >:( I'm coming for you, Allissa!

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • @TNMEBDMS girl: Oops! Sorry! When I created 'Jessica' I had a snobbier version of my friend in mind, not you... I didn't even know you when I made part 17, so yeah. Not my fault. No need to send assassins to my house. :P

    P.S. That was a very crappy hint. I still have no idea! xD Does the 'S' stand for smosh? Smosh HAS to be one of your favorite things. GAH! I'M SO CONFUZZLED!!!!! D:

  • Ooh, ooh! To change the subject, I know what smosh stands for!

    S- sexy
    M- males
    O- on
    S- super
    H- heroine

    xD Makes sense, doesn't it? Smosh is even funnier when they act high... (or when they actually are high.) I kinda suspect that they do drugs or something. No normal person is THAT funny. xP

  • Stick your finger on the middle of your tongue and say apple. Now what does it sound like?! Oh, and would you be affended if I called you a muffin rugger? XD

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • I've always wondered what TNMEBDMS stands for... now is my time to make a guess. Will you tell me afterwards though, I want to know.

    T- the
    N- nutty
    M- mischeivous
    E- epic
    B- bootyful
    D- dorky
    M- magical

    S- supercalifragilisti cexpialadocious (Did I spell that right?)

    Haha, I hope you're happy because it took me like 10 minutes to come up with that! xD

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, if Firey_Soul and I actually met, the probability of us being bffs would be a 100! Just putting that out there... Oh, KEEP GUESSING.

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • Yep, we're just this awesome... :)

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • I like the poptart song. :) The fanny pack song is still beast though. ;D

  • So, what weighs 20 pounds in your fanny pack, Firey_Soul? And what does TNMEBDMS in TNMEBDMS girl stand for?

    TNMEBDMS girl

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