Footballer or Rugby Player

There are many sports but some of the common ones are rugby and football. If you can't decide then this is the test for you. Be the best at one or the other. But the main thing is, have fun.

Are YOU a rugby player or a football player? Find out now in the all new FOOTBALLER OR RUGBY PLAYER quiz. Create a game show for for friends using it or just test your self.

Created by: Dave
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do mind getting dirty?
  2. You are very strong.
  3. Do you have a good kick?
  4. Your grip is good.
  5. You love getting hands on
  6. You are quick or Bulky.
  7. You don't mind being rich
  8. You do not like being shouted out.
  9. You do not mind getting hurt.
  10. Which do you prefer: football or Rugby

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