football tournament quiz ( you v.s me )

football is a very chalenging game,but in this one there is no actual ball it is just each question for each goal. one wrong move can make the opponent score

are you a football fan, do you have the skills to win this tournament against me. who among the two of us will go home would it be me or you. well after this quiz we will find out

Created by: boss baby2
  1. the set is on the whistle is blown the ball is passed to you,do you ?
  2. then the opponent gets the ball and makes an attempt to score do you ?
  3. then you are awarded a penalty,how do you react ?
  4. then the wistle is blown "half time" what do you say ?
  5. wait a minute i cant tell you if you scored.
  6. then a miracle happened !!
  7. a team scored!!!
  8. there were many attempts to score,15 attempts
  9. there were many attempts to score,15 attempts
  10. the winners celebrated while the losers went home
  11. are you ready to get your results ?
  12. one more thing ?
  13. bye i will miss you
  14. now are you really ready to get your results ?

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