Finding Your Way

This is a quiz about an adventure I would take the quiz if your bored I am also thinking about adding another part to it but I need to know if its good so I would like you to comment and rate so I know what you think of it.

So plz comment and rate this is an adventure quiz blah blah blah and so on have fun taking this quiz

Created by: dragonqueen
  1. Ok so lets say that you were born in a village and around the age of ten you notice that you look different than everyone else you kinda look like an elf, you feel like you don't have a place in the world. What do you do?
  2. Well lets lets just say that your running away and you notice its getting dark and your getting tired so you decide to find some were to stay for the night and you happen to find this cave but when you go into the cave you hear something behind you.
  3. So this big bear comes up from behind you and rears onto its rear legs and you don't have anything to defend yourself with so you run farther into the cave and you find this sword so you pick it up and.
  4. Lets say you kill the bear and you go running into the woods but as soon as you are almost there you trip over this little girl who is crying she looks really depressed.
  5. So you get back on your trip and you make it to the woods only to be stopped once again because of a big valley that your standing on the very edge of your busy thinking of a way to get across it when all of a sudden the ground beneath you gives way when you start to fall you notice you can reach a branch that is sticking out of the soil above you.
  6. Lets just say that you grab the branch but when you grab it the branch breaks and you fall down into the valley landing in a river you start to notice that people are staring at you.
  7. So you end up walking back when you realize your trapped in the valley with no way out your afraid to continue because you don't know what might happen but another part of is shouting do it do it so you decide to go on and you run into this really cute guy who says he can help you.
  8. So you decide to trust him to guide you out and he takes you to a cave and walks into it you throw a rock at him and when he asks you whats wrong you say?
  9. So you and the guy walk into the cave when all of a sudden the caves ceiling falls on you guys and you are trapped alone with him. what do you do?
  10. Do you like cookies?

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Quiz topic: Finding my Way