Fashion of the 1920's

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Just try very very very very very hard on this quiz and youll do great. people are smart and so are you so show everyone how smart you really are and best of luck

just show everyone that you are so so so so smart by taking this quiz and you will feel more smart then you did before you took it. This is a great quiz so have fun!

Created by: jessie123
  1. What does balled up mean?
  2. What does breezer mean?
  3. What does clam mean?
  4. What kind of hats did women wear?
  5. What kind of hair styles did women have?
  6. what is a flapper?
  7. whats another word for men used in the 1920's?
  8. What kind of hats did men wear?
  9. what declined in the mid 20's?
  10. Did they make clothes bright colors?

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