FangOfFenrir facts

FangOfFenrir is said to be an enigma, shrouded in idiocy stupidity and redundancy. Can you unravel the riddle that is this wackos mind? Good luck, you'll need it to make sense of this nutjob.

No seriously, this guy is a complete nutcase. Don't expect anything he ever says to you to make sense. I'm telling you this for your own good, go ahead take the quiz but stay away from this wacko!

Created by: FangOfFenrir
  1. What character did FangOfFenrir use at least to some extent in both Brawl and Smash 4?
  2. What character does FangOfFenrir loath facing in Smash 4?
  3. Who did FangOfFenrir use in the earliest days of Smash 4?
  4. What is FangOfFenrir's favorite RPG game to date?
  5. FangOfFenrir has made several stages on Mario Maker, though what style of stage does he like building the most?
  6. When FangOfFenrir first joined Smash Domain he kept one fact hidden for a while, what was this fact?
  7. What is FangOfFenrir studying to major in?
  8. The "Tales Army" is a running gag on Smash Domain about the "Tales of" games. Which is FangOfFenrir's favorite of these games?
  9. What is FangOfFenrir's favorite Kirby game?
  10. FangOfFenrir once hosted a tournament on Smash Domain. What was the tournaments name?
  11. What changes would FangOfFenrir like to happen to King Dedede in Smash 4?
  12. Who would FangOfFenrir like to see added as DLC?
  13. What team did FangOfFenrir play on in SDTL Season one?
  14. What is FangOfFenrir's favorite anime?

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