Fallout 3 fan quiz

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This Test is for true Fallout 3 fans. It is pretty easy if you've played the game but if you never played this game you probably won't get a good quiz result.

I will ask questions about locations and creatures of the wastland? There might also be questions about achievements or weapons. Do your best and good luck!

Created by: Dylan Lozinski
  1. What do super mutants use as watchdogs?
  2. Where is the deathclaw sanctuary located closest to?
  3. What is the first thing that you have to kill in the game?
  4. How many super mutant behemoths are on the game?
  5. Where do you first find your dad when he leaves the vault?
  6. Which of these is not a weapon on the game?
  7. Who do the residents of Tenpenny fight with?
  8. Who can you give all your nuka cola quantum to for a greater amount of caps?
  9. Where do you find the weapon "Vengeance" in the game?
  10. How do you get the achievment "Doesn't play well with others"?
  11. Who is in charge of Paradise Falls?
  12. Who lives in little lamplight?
  13. What is on top of Rockopolis?
  14. What happens to Bryan Wilks's father?
  15. How does Fallout 3 end?

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