face the zombies

welcome to the face the zombies quiz. This is a very long story. So i will not give the full story. I will give many parts of the quiz. If you enjoy the first part and if i get good feedback i will give the second part. Good luck. Dont come out as a loooser.

hahahahaha you are still here reading this? Scared? Hahahaha dont read this go straight to the quiz. There is nothing to reead. Gooooo dont be scared. Good luck good luck.

Created by: PagalLadka

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you and your friends are chilling in a hotel room. You all hear a scream. What now?
  2. you all went there and found a dead body died mysteriously with a hand infected with some kinda virus. What next?
  3. at night your friend hears a knock. He came and informed you that he saw that dead body with a zoombie face. What now?
  4. when you and your mates come out of the hotel you all see that zombies are chasing everybody biting everybody and you all just reach a gear shop to choose an handy weapon what will you choose
  5. you all have misunderstanding so you all got divided up in 4 groups of 2. You will need a vehicle. Which one?
  6. you see a building is falling down, wat next?
  7. you lost your vehicle and your friend got badly wounded. Suddenly you see a car coming towards you what next?
  8. you reached the gunstore. But you saw some zombies are attacking the maneger or the gunstore. What will you do.(you only have a handy weapon which you chose at the gear shop)
  9. you decided to steal. You had a handgun with four bullets in your reach. What would you do?
  10. you wom the fight against zombies. But the maneger also turned into a zombie and you killed him too. Now which weapon will you choose?
  11. you went back to your friend whom you left and promised that you will come back with weapons. You saw your friends was turning into a zombie. What now?
  12. you are totally alone. You see many survivors on your way. But you cant trust one anyone. As they can be infected. A man coming towards you running. What now?
  13. well he is a human. But it bitten my zombie on his left arm. He has some granades he will give you those if you take him to the hospital? What will you do?
  14. now you got the granades. You killed him. On the way you see the zombie virus reproducing area. What will you do?
  15. you blasted them. But was busted by zombies and you started running. What now?
  16. ok as you are a lazy fata** you thought of stopping a vehicle and you stopped a motorbike and he picked you up. But you thought he also mayb infected and its there pplan to kill you. What next?
  17. as you thought of staying withh him. He took you to other survivors who were staying in a bunker. It was night. What duty will you do
  18. the quiz facee the zombies part one ends here. How was the quiz?

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