Everybody Edits Quiz

Everybody edits have many players, but not all players know all about everybody edits. If you play everybody edits, im sure you going get all. Good luck!

You know all about everybody edits? This quiz will test you, its very easy, but it depends of you inteligence. If you play everybody edits, you have a great chance.

Created by: reidolol
  1. What is the smiley that only employees have?
  2. What is the latest update?
  3. What is the name of the creator of the game?
  4. What is the highest class you can get on everybody edits?
  5. What year was created everybody edits?
  6. Where did everybody edits created?
  7. What color is the name of an staff?
  8. Who is currently running the everybody edits(EE username)?
  9. What color is the name of your friends?
  10. What is the average number of players currently online?
  11. What is the maximum friends you can add (without club builder)?
  12. How much you pay for club builder 6 months?

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