Eternal Love Night

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Okay this is my very first quiz and for my other ones, please don't read this. there are 4 guys and you'll have to pick one at the end of the story... good luck and make the right choices

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii really did you actually read this if so, lol

Created by: Luna Moon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're walking down the street to your house with your bff's boyfriend Erik. He has black jet hair and chocolate brown eyes and is hair is pretty long for a guy to have. He stops you."What Erik?" you ask him. "__________, I wanted to um ask you if i should ask maya(your bff) to go to the Winter dance with me?" You stop yelling "Yes i thought you'd never ask!" Erik was smiling and you stopped. You guys went over to __________(your favorite fast food) and you guys met your best friend there Maya. Maya had long red hair that goes over her right eye that makes her look ... unique and she has black eyes. She's five three and is the only other person than Erik that you could trust.
  2. "__________! Erik over here!" Maya called. We went over to her and Erik said he's gonna get us orders and left. "So~" you started "how's it going with you two?" Maya giggled and said "Well~. He's like my prince charming and I'm the princess... you laughed. "What!~" Maya yelled. "Here you go __________ and here you go to you Maya." Erik said while giving us the burgers. So what have you girls been talking about. Me? or someone else?" You and Maya both looked at him and said "you mister good looking." Erik laughed. "of course you're talking about me. what else would you be talking about?" "our personal lives!" We all laughed. We started talking about some "stuff" and then Erik's phone started ringing Chasing the Sun by The Wanted. "It's my mom and i have to go home to help take care of my brother with his flu. see ya!" he kissed Maya on the cheek and then ran off."
  3. *time 12:00 midnight* You were awake and was looking out your window of your room and you saw a guy staring right at you. his eyes were glowing bright red like the sun...
  4. When you saw that "guy" outside your house you stepped back with a million thoughts up in your mind. You didn't hear your door open and footsteps come inside. the last thing you heard was a sweet guy's voice saying"i'm sorry ___________" You woke up in a bed that was black with white designs. there also were red all around. You heard footsteps coming up to the room so you closed your eyes when the door opened. You heard that sweet voice saying "hey Chris, is she awake yet?" and walked in. Then you felt a warm finger poke your shoulder and another voice that you think was Chris. "Nope. Sorry Niko." Then Niko said "Aww man! Why did you have to knock her out so hard?!" you heard another pair of footsteps come in and heard another voice saying to both of them "niko, Chris, shut up or else she'll wake up... let's go"
  5. "okay lance" niko said. "whatever" chris said. when you heard the door close you rose up and walked out the door and saw there were a set of stair so you went down them. When you went to the last one, you saw the kitchen and everyone was staring at you. there were four boys that were staring. One was in the kitchen cooking something and turned fire off. His eyes were bright topaz green with a hint of amber in it. His hair was light brown with more amber in it and he was the only one in the kitchen. There were two in the dining room sitting at the table. one of the guys eye's were bright yellow and had dark brown hair and grey highlights. the other one had purple eyes and had dirty blonde hair. they were eating pancakes. The last one snapped out of what seemed like a trance and was watching tv so you couldn't see him but his jet black hair with red highlights.
  6. When you saw that "guy" outside your house you stepped back with a million thoughts up in your mind. You didn't hear your door open and footsteps come inside. the last thing you heard was a sweet guy's voice saying"i'm sorry ___________" You woke up in a bed that was black with white designs. there also were red all around. You heard footsteps coming up to the room so you closed your eyes when the door opened. You heard that sweet voice saying "hey Chris, is she awake yet?" and walked in. Then you felt a warm finger poke your shoulder and another voice that you think was Chris. "Nope. Sorry Niko." Then Niko said "Aww man! Why did you have to knock her out so hard?!" you heard another pair of footsteps come in and heard another voice saying to both of them "niko, Chris, shut up or else she'll wake up... let's go"
  7. You got up and went over to the door after a couple of seconds. you opened the door and went down the stairs you spotted and when you got down you saw four guys staring at you. you said "you know it's rude to stare right?" after a few seconds they just turned around. There was one guy that was in the kitchen, two guys sitting at the dining table and one guy watching tv. The one in the kitchen said "___________, you should sit down and eat." You sat down across from the guy that had dark brown hair and bright yellow eyes. the other guy had purple eyes and dirty blonde hair. the guy that was cooking gave you some pancakes, got himself some and sat down next to you. "okay __________ i'm niko this is Chad and Lance while the one watching tv is Troyce." he pointed to the dark brown hair boy first and then to the dirty blonde on after. then you thought while eating your pancakes 'troyce why does that sound so familiar...' you finished your pancakes and said thank you to niko for the breakfast and then got up. then chad said "wait ___________, let me show you your room."
  8. ClIFFHANGER! sorry if this wasn't a good quiz since it's my first one. you'll have many challenges that await you...
  9. comment?
  10. rate?

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