Eddie Guerrero quiz 3-13-07

You are taking a quiz on how well you know Eddie Guerrero... are you a true Guerrero... go ahead and find out... and dont forget to do my quiz next week also... John Cena quiz..

You are about to enter Eddie Guerrero quiz and if you do not walk out with a 75 or higher then you really let Eddie down... and dont forget to do my quiz next week also... John Cena quiz...

Created by: Steve
  1. What was Eddie Guerrero's real name?
  2. What was Eddie Guerrero's height and weight?
  3. Who was Eddie Guerrero trained by?
  4. When did Eddie Guerrero Debut?
  5. What PPV did Rey Mysterio defeat Eddie Guerrero for the Custody of Dominick?
  6. Where did Eddie Guerrero die?
  7. What was Eddie Guerrero's favorite TV Show?
  8. What was Eddie Guerrero favorite desert?
  9. What was Eddie Guerrero's favorite movie?
  10. What was one of Eddie Guerrero's dog breed?

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