Eating Disorders

How much do you know! It doesnt matter which option you come out with as long as you recognise where and when you need to know more! this quiz is simpy a step for you in order to discover where you need to go!

Are you topped up in your knowledge? want to know? you need to take this quiz! victoria jayne poulteney. stop right now thank you very much i need somebody with a human touch.

Created by: holiday
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What eating disorder is characterised by...profound self induced starvation, marked weight loss, cessation of menstrual periods in women, a distorted body image and fear of fatness.
  2. What eating disorder is characterised by...constant dieting with episodes of binge eating, followed by purging, with self induced vomiting, laxative abuse, or both.
  3. Who do eating disorders effect?
  4. What causes an eating disorder?
  5. What is NOT symptom of an eating disorder?
  6. What can happen if people do not seek help form their eating disorder?
  7. whats my name
  8. how old am i
  9. where was i born
  10. shoe size?

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