Does your crush love you?

This quiz determines if your boy/girl friend loves you. Remember, this isn't 100% ACCURATE, SO DON'T BREAKUP JUST BECAUSE OF THIS QUIZ. THANK YOU!! ENJOY, AND DON'T GET BUTTHURT. THANKS!

Does your crush, boy/girl friend love you? Take this quiz to find out!! Remember, this isn't 100% accurate. Do not take actions, mostly because of this quiz!! Remember that, even thought you score low, it doesn't mean she/he doesn't LOVE you.

Created by: Chris
  1. Do you love him/her?
  2. Does she/he love you back?
  3. Does he/she dream about you? Ask them.
  4. Would you love to marry him/her?
  5. Does she/he want to date?
  6. Does she/he have some things in common?
  7. Do you want to kiss him/her
  8. Does she/he want to marry you?
  9. Does she/he always talk to you?
  10. Least, but not least, DOES he/she want to be with you forever and ever!?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush love you?