Does your crush like you back?

(FOR GIRLS ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!) Thanks! I forgot to put that in the title. :) But anyway, this quiz will help you determine if your crush likes you back!

I really hope this helps and I also hope you like it! :) Well, good luck my friend! I hope you get the results you are looking for, and you will not come and kill me in my sleep if you get something bad! :)

Created by: Amber
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has he ever asked you out?
  2. You and your crush are sitting across from each other at a table, his feet touch yours. What does he do?
  3. You, your crush, and 2 other friends are all in 3 car seats at once. Your crush is sitting next to you, and with the other friends is watching a funny video on your iPod that is in your hands. What does he do?
  4. You, your crush, and his sister (your best friend) are all getting ice cream. You and your crush get your ice cream first and your crush sits on a bench. He then motions for you to sit with him. You go over and just as you were about to sit down, your friend sits in between the two of you. What is his reaction?
  5. do you like him?
  6. What would he say if you just hugged him out of the blue?
  7. You are desperate for a moment with your crush, you are watching a movie with him and your friends, they all go and get water. You look into his eyes, what does he do?
  8. Is he single? Are you?
  9. Do you have a lot in common?
  10. Last question! Did you like this quiz?????

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?