Does your crush like you back

You will love this quiz so much it is very cool!!! I really hope it helps you when you girls have boy trouble!!!! When I was a kid your age I had boy troubles all the time!!! Hope this helped you and many others!!!

Hi I like pie and cats di u like school pickles can taste really good!!! Do u like peoe I do!! I live to chat to it is fun do u like to chat?! Meme!!! Have u seen wicked yet lakala bi no peoples !!! Peace btw!!!it my birthday tommorow!!!!!:)))))))

Created by: Casey of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When your at lunch you are sitting with your friends take a fast look @ "him" what do you see?
  2. When you guys are chating what does he do?
  3. What would he do if you were filtering with another guy?!
  4. When your talking to his friends do they mention "him"?
  5. Does he try to act all like Coolish around you ( bad, Mean, calm ect.?)?
  6. Do you think he likes you?!
  7. Do you like him?!
  8. When you pass by who starts the convo?!
  9. Do you like to be around him?
  10. Did you like this quiz... And will you comment?!:$

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back