Does your crush like you?

This quiz is made by an awesome person called beep beep beep. I hope you enjoy! well you obviously will because its made by me! If you think i should do more quizzes plz comment in the comments section!

BOO 999 Police: Hello can i help? me: yes i would like to order a pizza! police:You will have to call dominoes or pizza hut because we only except emergency calls! me: but it is an emergency! im starving! i only had a big mac,5 pizzas, 10 pieces of toast for breakfast and for lunch i had a meal that serves 10! police: im putting the phone down!

Created by: Jammy Dodger

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever showed that you like her/him?
  2. Have people ever said your good looking or complimented you on your looks?
  3. Are you cute and energetic?
  4. Have you had a boyfriend/girlfriend before?
  5. What colour hair do you have?
  6. Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of your crush?
  7. Im bored of doing questions, Random question: Do you like Harry Potter??? I Do!
  8. Choose a face...
  9. Which superpower
  10. Choose a badguy
  11. Have you ever kissed anyone not related to you?
  12. Do you think im funny/cool? Plz say yessss

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?