Does your crush like/love/dislike you?

This is to see if your crush loves/likes.dislikes you. But, i made sure who ever got a lower then a like had a motivation quote. I hate to see or be heard that someone is crying. I don't want any tears on my text it will make me want to cry too. I guess I can cry happy tears, but thats it.

I hope every one can have a great time on my test. I had a fun time creating it. It would probably be more fun if I had one of my friends with me. If I were you before I took the test i would have your friend over, face time, ready to text, or on audio to share your answers. Thank you and enjoy the test...

Created by: mnels6600
  1. Does he/she ever stare at you?
  2. Do you stare at him/her?
  3. Have you two ever hugged?
  4. Have you kissed?
  5. Do you guys ever talk?
  6. Does he/she laugh at your dumb jokes?
  7. Do you ever look into each other's eyes, and smile?
  8. Thank you for taking this! Do you want me to make more of these? This will not effect you at all. Comment a other test for me to make.
  10. Do you love, like or dislike your crush?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like/love/dislike you?
