Does Your Bully Like You?

This quiz is to see if your bully likes you or not.. Many people can be mean, but secretly like you at the same time. Your bully could be that person! Take this quiz to find out if your bully likes you or not.

People want different things out of this quiz. Some people want their bullies to like them, and others don't. Believe it or not, getting bullied by this one boy who I later on found out liked me, inspired me to make this quiz. Believe in yourself!

Created by: Margaret Yotko
  1. Do you get bullied?
  2. Does your bully stare at you often in class?
  3. Does your bully blush whenever he sees you?
  4. Has your bully ever given you a love note?
  5. Does your bully act different around you?
  6. Are you a bully yourself?
  7. Does your bully ever apologize to you?
  8. Has your bully ever dated you?
  9. Do you like your bully?
  10. Finally, is your bully single?

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Quiz topic: Does my Bully Like You?
