Does someone like you that you dont like back?

this is a fool-proof quiz that tells you if you have a secret admirer! you mite not have one but who cares its still fun to take and see what the answer is!!!!!!!

its crazy how accurate it is! so take it now if you value your love-life! this thing is soooo soooooo accurate!!!!!!!!! (will not cause harm if you take it!)

Created by: dodedodedo
  1. does someone constantly flirt with you that you dont like?
  2. are you pretty/cute?
  3. do you see yourself married in the future?
  4. does someone constantly stare at you?
  5. ummmmm.......
  6. vdhgkjsdhfskjdhs
  7. do you notice the same person always around you and bugging you?
  8. does that person have many friends?
  9. are you ready for your answer?
  10. are you sure?

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