Does someone Like you?

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Are YOU a lover? after taking this quiz, you will know. I actually did research to find out! your a girl or boy, who cares! nobody! hahahahahahahahahahah

Many lovers are intelligent, kind, cute,and always looking sharp, but, some people are not. not many people are lovers. I am on horse known as liberty, find me!

Created by: Liberty Saige

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you alone?
  2. Are you a nerd or a geek
  3. Are you desparete?
  4. Do you watch SpongeBob Square Pants?
  5. Do you like someone?
  6. Does someone look at you all the time?
  7. Only four more questions! will you make it?
  8. Do you think someone likes you?
  9. I am a girl, do you like me?
  10. Your done!! just answer this: y0ur s0 aws0om3! h1! can you read that?

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