Does she like you? (BOYS ONLY)

Some boys may wonder if their crush likes them, but it's kinda hard with girls because with some girls you can tell right away but with others it takes a lot of work!

Get advice from a girl and see if your crush likes you! Some of your answers may not be good so don't be bumbed if it is because out there is a girl for you! P.S there may be spelling mistakes because of the size of the letters on my keypad is whatever

Created by: Hope rules
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she HATE or DISLIKE any thing you like?
  2. Do you know what she likes?
  3. Does she blush when she talks to you
  4. If she's looking at you and you turn to look at her does she look away?
  5. Are you guys friends?
  6. Is she dating someone?
  7. Has she ever laugh at your really lame jokes
  8. Does she act weirdly or differnent around you?
  9. Have you ever held hands without one of you pulling away within the first 5 seconds?
  10. Has she ever tried teasing you?
  11. Do you now if she likes someone(including you)?

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