does he REALLY like you?

Does he REALLY like you? find out in this wonderful quiz about him! if he does dont be afraid to make the first move i did it and ive had 6 bfs so take my quiz plz

well good luck i hope you get what u want and you end up as a couple! if you get a bf plz plz plz come back and tell me thx!if you got what you wanted you have to comment on it thanks!

Created by: fnafgirl666

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. is he always trying to get you to laugh?
  2. are you guys friends?
  3. do you think he likes you
  4. does any of youre sibs know him?
  5. does he play a sport?
  6. descrption plz
  7. description again
  8. once more
  9. last time
  10. good luck

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