Does he like you?

There many people who would say this person probably likes you or this person and so on. But do actually know if they like you or not? Is it the truth a lie?

Does he like you? is there a possibility he's crushing on me? Is this just a booty call? Should I go for it? This quiz will show you what it is and will guide you.

Created by: Brooke
  1. Does he look at you like...
  2. How long does he talk to you?
  3. Does he try to sit by you?
  4. are youll friends?
  5. does he try to grab your attention
  6. Does he do stuff for you?
  7. Does he touch you?
  8. Does he give you compliments?
  9. does he pull your hair then say sorry, because he was just joking around?
  10. Do you really want to know the results?

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