Does He Like You?

There not always home run you don't get everthing you can't always win big, a boy is somthing that is hard to win. OR is it take the quiz quiz to find out!

ARE you the one for that boy? Find out on this quiz does he like you? Find out here. Is he the one or do you have to keep looking. Hopfully not!!!

Created by: candycorn44
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does he think of you?
  2. How many boys have you dated?
  3. Are you?
  4. Does he have a girlfriend?
  5. What is you're fav quality about him?
  6. Do you tell him secrets?
  7. Has he made you fell ugly?
  8. Has he told you about his feelings?
  9. What does he see you as?
  10. DID you like this quiz?

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