does he like yoju

"some people like you some don't". this quiz tells girls if their crush likes them back. I have been in this situation before and i still am. this is the type of quiz i would want.

does he like you or not. In few minutes you will find out so just keep on going because trust me, i have had the same situation and i definitely know.

Created by: claraboo
  1. does he glance at you?
  2. is he nice to you?
  3. does he smile at you?
  4. what would he most likely do if you said hi?
  5. has their been a moment when you stare in each others eyes?
  6. has he complemented you
  7. does he know your name
  8. give your honest opinion do you think he likes you?
  9. are you friends
  10. has anyone told you that they think they like you

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