Does he like me?

Do you want to know if he really likes you! You can even find out the percentage! So cool! There are 12 questions and I hope it helps you to know if he likes you.

Do you think he likes you? Or maybe your not sure? Just take thud quiz to find out! You even get a sentence with your score! But remember NEVER GIVE UP! Enjoy!

Created by: 220208
  1. Do y'all talk a lot?
  2. Do you think he likes you
  3. Has he ever told you that he likes you?
  4. Why do you like him?
  5. What is you favorite color?
  6. What is his fave color?
  7. Is he allowed to date?
  8. Do you flirt with other guys?
  9. Do people think he likes you?
  10. Did u like this

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