Does he fancey me or are we only friends?

How do you know if your mate fancies you. After all they could have dreams about you and them together or do they only think of you as a mate. Answer these questions.

Are you the perfect macth, I can't tell you that but I can tell you what they think of you as and you can express your feelings and maybe find a new relationship

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he look at you when he's talking to you?
  2. Do they compliment you
  3. do they always look at you
  4. have you been out with their friend
  5. Are they older than you
  6. whens your birthday
  7. when is there birthday
  8. how long have you been mates
  9. do you like their mates
  10. havee they touched you

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