Do your friends take advantage of you?

People always get taken advangted of, but few know when it's happening. you need, no should be aware, its not an ok thing! It's one of thoose few things you need to know. Do you know?

Are YOU be taken advantage of? You can only wonder. Pick someone you suspect and answer theese questions as truthfull. Written by a young person who has experience.

Created by: Madi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When they hang out with you, are they eyeballing someone else?
  2. Have you ever noticed, that they tend, totake your things?
  3. Do they invite themselves over towhat seems like just to use something you have?
  4. Do you peronally feel like they are taking advnatge of you?
  5. Have the asked you to let them borrow many things but never gave them back? (or paid you back!)
  6. Do you ever go places with them then they end up ditching you?
  7. Have they ever broke something of yours and didn't care how you felt about it.
  8. After all theese questions, does u answer change from #6?
  9. What is the realtion of this person?
  10. Do you feel left out alot?

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Quiz topic: Do my friends take advantage of you?