Do your dreams tell the future?

you want to know if your physic? Well take this quiz then also then you'll be... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Created by: Alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do your dreams ever come true?
  2. quick what coulor am I thinking of!
  3. have you ever had a vision before?
  4. have you ever sensed someone was hurt?
  5. do you see things in whipped cream and yes I know it sounds random!
  6. have you ever predicted something? E.G. a friend argement or babies being born, or earth quakes
  7. quick are u cool?
  8. fdgh gfjhdshcav dsvgkhjkjfsnk gcjnvx sdnvxknjxdkvxclxajckvxclbjdsfbfkvhckjlxknsdcvbcxmcvxbjzxmvbjkclxklv;njcmxvbjchxvxsbvxdsdbhkckhbvhvkjhkvhkvbvkfdhjcfvcjndsnnshbf bdcf xdhv ckbxhj jckbxljdv x bcnbv cb b
  9. do you ever see or hear ghosts?
  10. how manny questions will I have?
  11. did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do my dreams tell the future?