Do you really know me?

Well, this quiz is about pretty much anything. It's about what i like or don't like and so on so forth. It took me a while to think up these odd question so go out there and...well..have fun with this.

Uhh..take this quiz? I really don't think i should have a paragraph here. I am supposed to write this and have it be one hundred and fifty characters and im not supposed to type the number or it gets mad at me growls* So just take this quiz and stop reading my "intro".

Created by: Amanda of Superausumness
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who did i steal this quiz thingy ma-bob from?
  2. OK..that should have been easy. Now, what do i do during free-time?
  3. Who is my dream date?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. Which LOTR movie do i like best?
  6. Half way!! What is the show i watch every monday night at 9:00?
  7. What band do i like?
  8. What is the name that keeps popping up everywhere?
  9. What is the girl's name in the book im writing?
  10. Last one! What is our new car called?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know me?