Do you need diapers? (Fun quiz for you and your friends)

Do you need diapers? Do you not? Play this fun game with your friends and see. This is 99% accurate but don’t take it too seriously. Learn to take a joke!!! Anyway

You may wanna buy some diapers after this. You either face your friends laughter, or chicken out. Your choice. Whatever. I need to fill this paragraph up so rioebdisbdosbdosbdkdbdjdbdidnxidbxidnxidbdidbdi there we go.

Created by: Lottie
  1. Do you think you are lazy?
  2. When did you last have a daytime accident (messing or wetting yourself)?
  3. If you were put on a diaper punishment, how would you feel about it?
  4. How about a story? You went to a restaurant with your friends. You knew that you have had many accidents lately so you packed some diapers in your bag and kept it by your side. You were bursting for the toilet but wanted to hold it because you didn’t want to interrupt the meal. So you sat as still as possible, fiddling still. But your friends took little notice. You waited for a while until one of your friends made a funny joke. You laughed so hard you peed yourself. So as you took a sip of you drink you pretended to spill it accidentally. You told your friends you needed to clean up, and saying your bag had some tissues inside as an excuse to bring it with you. You went to the bathroom and cleaned up. Then you decided to put on your diaper, just in case.
  5. Do you want a diaper?
  6. Have you ever thought when you go to the toilet, “if I could get away with it, i wouldn’t even bother to get up!” ?
  7. Do you think you’d like something warm, squishy, smelly and large pushed against your backside?
  8. Are you easily embarrassed?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Bye then. Have a good day!

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Quiz topic: Do I need diapers? (Fun quiz for you and my friends)

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