Do You Love Stuffed Animals?

I love stuffed animals! I can't get away from them. Can you? Take this quiz to see if you actually genuinely love stuffed animals! I know I do!!!

I hope you find out more about yourself! Think that you are a stuffed animal addict? Well this quiz will show you! So go ahead, and see if you really do love stuffed animals!

Created by: Elsa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many stuffed animals do you sleep with?
  2. You go to a strip mall. Which shop do you go into?(all made up names)
  3. #1 on your Christmas list is...
  4. Where do you keep your stuffed animals?
  5. What would you do if you lost a stuffed animal?
  6. How old is your oldest stuffed animal?
  7. Could you spend a night without a stuffed animal?
  8. Have you told any of your friends about your fluffy friend?
  9. Do you bring a stuffed animal on trips?
  10. Would you say that you love your stuffed animals?

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Quiz topic: Do I Love Stuffed Animals?